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Concept is delighted to be a BSIF Registered Safety Supplier

Tuesday December 12, 2023

HomeLatest NewsConcept is delighted to be a BSIF Registered Safety Supplier

At Concept, we know our customers care about the safety of the products they purchase from us. To reassure our customers that we are a supplier they can trust, we have taken part in the BSIF Safety Registered Supplier Scheme. But what exactly does this mean?

What is the BSIF?

The BSIF (British Safety Industry Federation) is the UK’s leading trade body in the safety sector. Their aim is to offer support and guidance on all sorts of occupational safety issues.

BSIF members span all sorts of different safety suppliers, including manufacturers, distributors, professionals – and more.

 BSIF icon

What is the BSIF Registered Safety Supplier Scheme?

The BSIF Registered Safety Supplier Scheme acts as an assurance that you are buying safety products from a capable, compliant provider.

To ensure we remain a registered safety supplier, Concept Products have just undergone an independent audit by the BSIF. Attaining this accreditation is something that Concept are delighted to be a part of.

In everything we do, we always put our customers and employees first. This is why we are so proud to be a BSIF Registered Safety Supplier, supplying industry leading PPE and safety products throughout the UK.

BSIF recently launched their CHECK-SELECT-PROTECT campaign, reinforcing the importance of using a regulated PPE provider. In the video below, they explain what you need to know when buying PPE and safety equipment.

 What does it mean to be a BSIF Registered Safety Supplier?


Companies that are BSIF Registered Safety Suppliers have committed to only sell compliant PPE and safety equipment. We ensure that all our PPE and safety products meet PPE legislation guidelines, and are fit for purpose.


As a Registered Safety Supplier, we will invest in ensuring our client-facing staff develop their knowledge and skills, so that they can provide our customers with specialist advice on PPE and safety equipment.


All our products and inhouse processes are tested and verified by the BSIF, confirming that we comply with all the relevant standards and regulations.


As BSIF members we are credited with trading honestly and ethically – something that’s very important to us, as we recently became a certified carbon neutral business.

We pride ourselves on being a supplier our customers can rely on, and do all we possibly can to support them. To discuss your PPE needs in more details, please get in touch.

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